Expressions » History » Version 2
Federico Vera, 2018-07-12 06:04
1 | 1 | Federico Vera | # Expressions |
2 | 2 | Federico Vera | |
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5 | All the expressions that are used in `mrft` are backed by project:exp4j, so basically it will handle all the expressions project:exp4j does plus a couple of additions. |
6 | 1 | Federico Vera | |
7 | Expressions should be written in `infix notation`, arguments of functions must be surrounded by parentheses and separated by commas; so basically you should write them in the natural way. |
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9 | ## Operators |
10 | There are three basic sets of operators available: |
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12 | ### Arithmetic |
13 | All of the arithmetic operators are included and available: `+`, `-`, `*`, `/` and of course `%` (modulo). |
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15 | ### Comparison |
16 | Aside from the arithmetic operators several comparison operators are included: `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`, `!=` and `==`. Please note that since `exp4j` itself has no concept of `boolean`, the results given by all of the comparison operators will be `1.0` if `true` and `0.0` if `false`. Let it be noted that due to rounding, equality operators use a radix in which they consider numbers to be "equal", that is: |
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18 | Let `a` and `b` be two real numbers, `a == b` will evaluate to `true` if and only if the distance between `a` and `b` (`dist(a, b) := abs(a - b)`) is less or equal than `1e-12` (`0.000000000001`) and `false` otherwise. |
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20 | ### Boolean |
21 | As with comparison operators, boolean operators will consider `false` every value equal to zero (`0 ± 0.000000000001`), and `true` every other value. But they are warrantied to return `1.0` for `true` and `0.0` for `false`. The available operators are: `&` (and), `|` (or), `¬` (not). |
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23 | ### Precedence |
24 | For those who don't know, precedence of operators refers to which of the operators will be evaluated first when left alone. I won't bother you with numbers, the order of evaluation is as follows: |
25 | ``` |
26 | FIRST-> * / % - + > >= < <= ¬ & | == != <-LAST |
27 | ----- --- --------- - - - ----- |
28 | ^^^ The dashes indicate groups with the same precedence |
29 | ``` |
30 | When operators have the same precedence they will be evaluated from left to right. |
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32 | ***Note:*** as in primary school (and beyond) you can always alter the precedence of operators with the use of parentheses. |
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34 | ## Functions |
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36 | There are quite a few functions available, basically all the ones in [Java Math](, and a couple of additions. |
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38 | I'll just name them, I'm assuming everyone reading this over the Internet, has Google access to find the ones that don't actually know. |
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40 | ### Trigonometric |
41 | Please note that all of the trigonometric functions work in radian: `sin`, `cos`, `tan`, `asin`, `acos`, `atan`, `sinh`, `cosh`, `tanh` and `sinc`. |
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43 | ### Boolean |
44 | - No arguments: `false`, `true` |
45 | - One argument: `not` |
46 | - Two arguments:`and`, `or`, `xor`, `nand`, `nor`, `xnor`, `equals` (this one is not exactly boolean) |
47 | - Three arguments: `if` which is used like this `if(boolean_exp, val_if_true, val_if_false)` that means that `if(0 < 1, 5, 10) -> 5` |
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49 | ### Misc |
50 | `abs`, `log`, `log10`, `log2`, `log1p`, `ceil`, `floor`, `sqrt`, `cbrt`, `pow`, `exp`, `expm1`, `signum`. |
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52 | ### Random (noise) |
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54 | There are 4 random (non deterministic) functions available: |
55 | - No arguments: |
56 | - `rand`: random uniformly distributed number between `0.0` (inclusive) and `1.0` (exclusive). |
57 | - `gaussian`: random gaussianly distributed number with average `0.0` and variance `1.0` |
58 | - Two arguments: |
59 | - `rand2(start, end)`: random uniformly distributed number between `start` (inclusive) and `end` (exclusive). |
60 | - `gaussian2(avg, var)`: random gaussianly distributed number with average `avg` and variance `var` |
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62 | ### Constants |
63 | There are two constants implemented as functions (for reasons I will not discuss here), which are `pi` and `e`. |